Thursday, October 30, 2008

Terra Madre 2008

Just got back from an amazing 4 days in Torino, Italy at the Terra
Madre conference and Earth Workshops. With over 4,000 indigenous and
organic food growers, chefs, scholars and activists in atendance my
head is still spinning!
It was a trully enriching experience i will be writing more about soon.
Just wanted to give veryone a holler and invite you all to join the
Terra Madre and the Slow Food community,
alot of their material can be viewed on the Slow Food site at:

At the conference, Vandana Shiva and the International Comission for
the Future of Food and Agriculture presented their MANIFESTO on
climate change and future food security.
it is worth a read and an endorsement both individually, and institutionally.

Copies in several languages as well as very pertinent documents and
petitions may be found here:

Lets eat some good, clean and fair food!!